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Cam Kit for Web

Work Flow

Step 1: Configure the developer dashboard

Go to the developer dashboardopen in new window

  1. Get your dToken (Developer Token).
  2. Click "Cam Kit Developer settings (v2.0)", configure your settings.

Step 2: Generate an mToken for your model

Get a unique token for your model. You only need to do this once for each model.


Notice: For security reasons, the developer token should be always used on the server side. You should never use it in your JS code from the client side.

HTTP Request: POST

Content Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8


dTokenDeveloper Token
mInfoModel's Information (UTF-8 encoded JSON), Format: {"mId": "xxx", "mName": "xxx"}

Sample request:

OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder()
MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType, "dToken=xxx&mInfo={\"mId\":\"xxx\",\"mName\":\"xxx\"}");
Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .method("POST", body)
  .addHeader("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.131 Safari/537.36")
  .addHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
var axios = require('axios');
var qs = require('qs');
var data = qs.stringify({
  'dToken': 'xxx',
  'mInfo': '{"mId":"xxx","mName":"xxx"}' 
var config = {
  method: 'post',
  url: '',
  headers: { 
    'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.131 Safari/537.36', 
    'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
  data : data

.then(function (response) {
.catch(function (error) {


  "result": true, // true or false
  "message": "SuccessFully",
  "code": 200, // 200: OK 401: Invalid token 402: Invalid user information 505: Other Errors
  "data": {
    "mId": "xxx",
    "mToken": "95116bd2af44b753da2a1e4cd55cf965" // got mToken
resulttrue if successful, false if failed
messageRequest result
dataDetailed description
code200: OK, 401: Invalid token, 402: Invalid user information, 505: Other Errors

Step 3: Model configures their Lovense settings

Display the Lovense settings page on the model's side. You can put this page in a new window or an iframe.

After you modify your settings, the new settings will take around 10 seconds to take effect.

Settings page:{mToken}

Sample code:

lovense.settingPage =



Step 4: Broadcasting process & methods

Include the model.js on your broadcasting page.

<script src="{mToken}"></script>

Call lovense.addMessageListener(callback) after the live page is loaded, and handle these types of messages in the callback function:


  • message

    lovense.addMessageListener(function (data) {
      // data = {
      //  type: "message",
      //  detail: "some customized messages to be sent to the public chat room."
      //  e.g. detail = "My LOVENSE Lush is now reacting to john's tip. It will stop after 5 sec!"
  • settings

    lovense.addMessageListener(function (data) {
      // Handle settings information
      // data = {
      //  type: "settings",
      //  detail: {
      //   levels: {
      //     level1: {
      //      min: "1",
      //      max: "9",
      //      time: "2",
      //      rLevel: 0,
      //      vLevel: 0,
      //     },
      //     level2: {...}
      //     level3: {...}
      //   },
      //   special: {
      //     earthquake: {
      //       time: "22",
      //       token: "120",
      //     },
      //     fireworks: (...),
      //     giveControl: (...),
      //     pause: (...),
      //     pulse: (...),
      //     random: (...),
      //     twowaves: (...),
      //     wave: (...),
      //   }
      //  }
      // }
  • toy

    lovense.addMessageListener(function (data) {
      // Handle toy information data
      // data = {
      //  type: "toy",
      //  status: "on"
      //  detail: [
      //   {
      //     id: "l58f167da065",
      //     name: "",
      //     type: "lush",
      //     status: "on"
      //   }
      //  ]
      // }
  • tipQueueStatus

    lovense.addMessageListener(function (data) {
      // handle queue information data
      // data = {
      //  type: "tipQueueStatus",
      //  detail: {
      //   running: [
      //    {
      //      amount: 20,
      //      tipperName: "john",
      //      time: 30,
      //      cParameter: {},
      //      level: 5,
      //      module: "Basic Level"
      //      specialType: undefined,
      //      name: "coco",
      //      reactToys: [,
      //        toyId: "d6c35fe83348",
      //        specialType: "earthquake",
      //        status: 1,
      //        toyType: "lush",
      //        vibrate: 20,
      //        rotate: 0,
      //        airpump: 0,
      //      ]
      //    }
      //   ],
      //   queue: [
      //    {
      //      amount: 20,
      //      tipperName: "john",
      //    }
      //   ],
      //   waiting: [...]
      //  }
      // }
  • tipRunning

    lovense.addMessageListener(function (data) {
      // handle running tip information
      // data = {
      //  type: "tipRunning",
      //  detail: {
      //   running: [
      //    {
      //      amount: 20,
      //      tipperName: "john",
      //      time: 30,
      //      cParameter: {},
      //      level: 5,
      //      module: "Basic Level"
      //      specialType: undefined,
      //      name: "coco",
      //      reactToys: [,
      //        toyId: "d6c35fe83348",
      //        specialType: "earthquake",
      //        status: 1,
      //        toyType: "lush",
      //        vibrate: 20,
      //        rotate: 0,
      //        airpump: 0,
      //      ]
      //    }
      //   ]
      //  }
      // }


  • initCamApi

    If your website is a single page application, when the model enters the broadcasting page call initCamApi.

     * initCamApi
     * @param {string} mToken  model token
  • destroyCamApi

    When the model ends the live broadcast or signs out, call destroyCamApi.

  • receiveTip

    Once a tip is received, call Lovense.receiveTip(cname,amount). Toys will respond according to the settings.

     * receiveTip
     * @param {string} cname  this is the tipper’s Screen Name
     * @param {number} amount  token amount
    lovense.receiveTip(cname, amount)
    // e.g. lovense.receiveTip('cname', 1)
  • getToys

    Use getToys() to get the toy info of models

     * getToys
     * @returns {array} toy information


        "id": "XXXXXXXXXXXX",
        "name": "",
        "status": "on",
        "type": "lush"
  • getSettings

    Use getSettings to get the settings info of models

     * getSettings
     * @returns {object} settings information


        levels: {
          level1: {
            max: 10, // tip level range maximum
            min: 3,  // tip level range minimum
            rLevel: 0, // rotation level
            time: 3, // duration (seconds)
            vLevel: 5  // vibration level
        special: {
          clear: {
            token: 20 // number of tokens
          earthquake: (...),
          fireworks: (...),
          giveControl: (...),
          pause: (...),
          pulse: (...),
          random: (...),
          twowaves: (...),
          wave: (...)