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Display Panel (optional)

The Lovense Display Panel makes the show much more interactive compared to simple text based tip activation. We currently provide 2 panels for your tippers/viewers.

  • Control Panel - This enables a new tip menu item called Give Control. It automatically generates a control link for the tipper when they tip for this item, allowing models to give direct control of their toys to tippers much more easily.

Control Panel

  • Tip Panel - Show the model's tip menu directly on the viewer's page.

Control Panel

⚠️This feature can only be used with Cam Extension or Cam Kit

Step 1: Turn on the Display Panel on your Lovense Developer Dashboard

Go to the developer dashboardopen in new window and turn on the Display Panel.

Control PanelControl PanelControl Panel

You will get a default AES KEY and AES IV that are used for encryption. Use them to encrypt the model name and the tipper name.

Control Panel

Step 2: Import the tipper.js to your tipper's page

<script src=""></script>

Step 3: Initialize

Lovense.init(platform, modelKey, tipperKey)


platformYour Website Name (shown in the Developer Dashboard)yes
modelKeyThe model name encrypted on your server side using the AES KEY and AES IV. Do not expose your Key/IV in your JS code. (There is a demo on how to encrypt text using AES in JAVA below)yes
tipperKeyThe tipper name encrypted using the AES KEY and AES IV (The tipper name should be the Display Name showing in the public broadcasting room)yes

⚠️ Display Panels are only available when the model is using Cam Extension version 30.0.8+

If your website is a single page application, when the tipper leaves the model's room, call:


Here is the demo on how to encrypt text using AES in JAVA:

import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;

import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;

public class AESDemo {

    private static Key getKey(String key)  throws Exception{
        byte[] keyBytes = key.getBytes("UTF-8");
        SecretKeySpec newKey = new SecretKeySpec(keyBytes, "AES");
        return newKey;
    private static AlgorithmParameters getIV(String iv) throws Exception {
        byte[] ivs = iv.getBytes("UTF-8");
        AlgorithmParameters params = AlgorithmParameters.getInstance("AES");
        params.init(new IvParameterSpec(ivs));
        return params;

    public static String encrypt(String key,String iv,String text) throws Exception {

        Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding");
        cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, getKey(key), getIV(iv));
        byte[] encryptedBytes = cipher.doFinal(text.getBytes());
        return new String(Base64.encodeBase64(encryptedBytes, false,true),"UTF-8");

    public static String decrypt(String key,String iv,String text) throws Exception {
        byte[] textBytes = Base64.decodeBase64(text);
        Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding");
        cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, getKey(key), getIV(iv));
        byte[] decodedBytes = cipher.doFinal(textBytes);
        return new String(decodedBytes, "UTF-8");

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
        String key="jHZZwiizsAF2qTAY";  //use your own Key here
        String iv="zijknVpNWeeTYGPV";  //use your own IV here
        String test="Hello World!";

Step 4: Data Forwarding

Lovense will notify you when the Model Status has changed, and you should send the Model Status back to the tipper.js. Here is the Flow Chart:

Display Panel

How does it work?

Contact us to provide your callback URL. Lovense will post ModelStatus to your callback URL when necessary (for example, when the model enables/disables features during their broadcast). You forward the ModelStatus to the tipper/viewer's page and reply to the callback request with "OK". Then call Lovense.recieveData(data) on the tipper/viewer's page.

Description of the Callback Request

URL: your callback url

Request Protocol: HTTPS Request

Method: POST

Content Type: application/json

the ModelStatus Object::

  "from":"ABCDxxxxxxxxxxxx", //Encrypted String using your AES KEY and IV
  "to": {
    "type":"customersOfModel", //which group of people you should forward to
    "target":"Lucy,Tony" // users you should forward the data to
  "data": data // the data you should forward

Attributes in ModelStatus

  • from [String]: Encrypted string of "Lovense" using your AES KEY. If you can decrypt it with your AES KEY, you can confirm that the data is from Lovense. It is a static string until you changed your AES KEY in Lovense Dashboard.
  • to [Object]: Whom you should forward the data to
  • to.type [String]: Which group of people you should forward the data to. Possible values: customersOfModel, customers
  • [String]: Users you should forward to
    • If the to.type is customersOfModel, the is the model's name (separated with commas if there are multiple values), and you should forward the data to all the customers in the specified model's broadcasting room.
    • If the to.type is customer, the is the tipper/viewer's screen name (separated with commas if there are multiple values), and you should forward the data to the specified tipper/viewer
  • data [String]: the data that you should forward

Here is a sample written in JAVA for handling the callback from Lovense:

private final String KEY = "Your KEY";
private final String IV = "Your IV";
private final String AESFrom = AESUtil.encrypt("Lovense",KEY,IV);

@RequestMapping(value = "/lovense/callback")
public @ResponseBody String callback(@RequestBody Map<String,Object> modelStatus) {

  //1. If from is same as AESFrom
    Map<String,String> to = (Map<String, String>) modelStatus.get("to");
    String data = (String) modelStatus.get("data");

    //2. Handle different target groups
    switch (to.get("type")){
      case "customersOfModel":
      String modelName = to.get("target");
      //3.1 TODO forward `data` to the tippers/viewers in the model's room
    case "customer":
      String customerScreenName = to.get("target");
      //TODO forward `data` to the tippers/viewers
  //4. Reply "OK"
  return "OK";

How to customize toy control panel

If you prefer to bypass the initial step of allowing viewers to choose the control method, you can directly access the control interface by following the method below.

Step 1 To immediately start controlling after receiving a tip, bypass the selection interface

You can achieve this by simply adding a fourth parameter with the value { autoStart: true } in the initialization function.

Example code:

Lovense.init('platform', 'modelName', 'customerName', { autoStart: true })

Step 2 To customize styles in the developer backend

Control Panel

Example CSS code:

/* hide the remote scan entrance */
.lvs-clink-pl__switch-btn:nth-child(1) {
    display: none;

/* hide lovense logo */
  display: none;

/* change the panel style */
  background-color: #fff1f0;
  background-color: #ff4d4f;
  color: #fff;
  color: #fff;
  background-color: #fff;

The changes made to custom styles in the developer backend will be immediately visible in the appearance of your panel.

Control Panel